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Internal Assessment 

This evidence ... 


How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile characteristics? 

I think that this evidence demonstrates the IB learner profile characteristic of thinkers as it shows how I applied my thinking skills throughout the work as well as my decision making that were essential to finish this work and reaching the academic level that I intended. 

The purpose of this evidence was to showcase everything we have learned the past two years and put it into practice through a topic chosen by the student. For my Internal Assessment I chose to talk about how does seasonality have an effect on the incidence of dengue disease in Mexico.  

Which feelings or memories do I remember while talking about the evidence? 

I remember feeling I little bit more realex as I never had to do any type of experiment. I remember the endless hours of work and how much I dreaded the mathematical part of my work. I also have so many memories of Meche telling me how satisfying my graphs looked. I remember some interesting facts I learned about my topic and most of all the feeling of achievement when I finished. 

Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence?

The biggest challenge I faced was working out my data mathematically, because it was so confusing and I am not a big math fan. I also face a challenge when trying to find official information about dengue incidence, however once I found it it I didn't struggle with any kind of lack of information. 

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-18 a la(s) 2
Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-18 a la(s) 2

Mesocosm Project 

The purpose of this project was to create a mesocosm with materials that we could find in our houses. 


How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?

I consider that this piece of evidence demonstrates the IB learner profile characteristic of inquirers, as I was able to learn something new by myself and through observation. Likewise, we had to do some research while having fun doing an interactive activity. 

What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 

I think that when putting together my mesocosm I learned that sometimes I am able to understand and, consequently, be more involved in the learning process. I found that I am better at doing things, rather than just listening as I can remember and retain more things once I put it to practice. It was a good learning opportunity to know how I learn better. 

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I remember being excited and also curious about what we were doing. It was fun to look around my house different materials and just trying to find everything I could to make my mesocosm. I remember thinking that it wouldn't work, but it actually worked very well and I was able to grow a plant. I also remember being excited because it was a more interactive activity, not something that required me to be looking at my screen but actually moving around.  

Chromatography Lab


The aim of this project was to learn how to do the write up for a lab report as well as continue with the topic of photosynthesis.  

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-18 a la(s) 2

How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?

Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence? 

Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence? 

I consider that this piece of evidence demonstrates the IB learner profile characteristic of reflection as I consider that this evidence in particular was able to show me my strengths as well as my limitations when it came to projects like this one. I also think that when working in teams you are able to learn from your teammates and have their back. I consider that this evidence demosntartes that. 

When working on this piece of evidence I found myself kind of lost in terms of what did chromatography meant and also not quite understanding how to write a lab report. It definitely was a challenge writing the lab report. I also found a little difficult to work in teams at the beginning but afterwards it was great. 

I remember feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the assignment. I was somewhat lost while working in the lab but then I got it and I remember having fun. When writing the lab report I really felt overwhelmed because there were so many thing that we had to do and write and I thought that it would be kind of easy but then I was defeated, it was like midnight and we were still working on the lab. It really took everything in me to finish it. Now looking back at it, we should've started sooner with the write up. 

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-18 a la(s) 2
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